Fundamental Belief | Average CEOs | Extraordinary CEOs |
Business is an environment to grow and learn, not a war zone. | They have a battle-field perspective of a business where he thinks all the employees are the warrior and the competitors as enemies. He thinks himself to be a protector and commander who is is ready with his orders for attack. They think conflicts bring best from the individual. | They believe only those businesses can survive who can innovate and better manage themselves. For these breed of CEOs creating a strong team and nurturing them is the key. They also believe establishing a partnership with other companies, vendors, customers and even competitors can help in many ways for the growth of the company. |
Management is a service and not dictatorship. | They feel passing orders and getting things done give them feeling of superiority. Creating rules that make people feel like robots and trying to control them creates a stunned growth environment. | They set a vision and goals for the employees and work keeping their employees in mind. They encourage employees to get extra work done rather than pushing them to the brink. They involve everyone in the decision making process and keeping the interest of every person onboard. |
Employees are like friends rather than mediocre people. | They treat employees as inferior, immature and not worthy to be trusted and believe stringent rules needs to be implemented to keep them in rein. Once employees get to know the perspective of the CEOs with regards to them they act likewise and spend more energy to look busy and become less productive. | They treat every employee as an important part of the organization and acknowledge their contribution towards the success of the company. They expect excellence from everyone in the company and ultimately that is what they get. |
Motivate with the vision and not fear. | They scare employees by firing them from the job, micro-managing them or sometimes ridiculing them in front of their peers. This makes a dent in the human sub-conscious mind thereby making them incompetent to take any major decision at work. | They motivate employees with bright future and make them the part of the growth process. This makes employees work harder and deliver better result. This helps in the growth of the company and the CEO share the success of the company by rewarding them for their effort. |
All work, no fun. | They tend to think having fun in the organization is criminal and waste of time. It affects the performance of the employees and leads to less productive work force. They always think business is meant for work and not for fun. This wrong notion of average CEOs leads to dull and unproductive atmosphere making the team lethargic and feeling unimportant. | They believe having fun is an integral part of work-life balance. They encourage employees to enjoy their work to the fullest and encourage them to come out with suggestions so that their work will be fun and interesting. |