How to: Mine XMRig Using Android

 How to: Mine XMRig Using Android 

Android xmrig Miner for

ARM Phone CPU AstroBWT - WarriorV - DERO Mining - DERO

Guide by WarriorV :-

  1. Download the Android ARM miner: (1.5 MB) (for 64-bit ARMv8 CPU - fast) Mydrive download link 64-bit 181 (1.5 MB) (for 32-bit ARMv7 CPU - slow) Mydrive download link 32-bit 113

  2. Unzip the downloaded zip to root directory of internal SD card in the phone (/sdcard/)

  3. Edit the last line of to add your own xmrig-style mining parameters (pool/account/wallet/worker/algo/password, etc.) using a text editor such as Jota Text Editor.
    The last one line of should look like following:
    $EXECPATH/xmrigARM -o -u dERoWalletAddress -p AnyPassword -a astrobwt

NB: Change dERoWalletAddress in above line to your DERO Address as in following image.

  1. Install either Terminal Emulator or Termux

  2. Open Terminal Emulator or Termux window, execute the following 5 commands:

$ cd /sdcard/
$ cp xmrigARM lib*.so ~
$ cd ~
$ chmod u+x xmrigARM
$ ./
  1. DONE

NB: is DERO community pool.


I switched the install script to use the original xmrig as it has improvements to astrobwt over xmrigCC which was compiled in the previous script.

I also added –update-all to the script so that it will build and compile hwloc along with the lastest xmrig.

Other updates include new packages from termux and co.

Also included a script to run on Herominers although if you do the math, they charge a 9% fee though the payout is quick. along with the xmrig compiled in the script are 0% fees all around.

Find out what works best for you.